ML, DL, NLP Learning tutorials
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Neural Networks for Machine Learning | Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto |
Lecture-Slides CSC321-tijmen |
YouTube-Lectures UofT-mirror |
2012 2014 |
2. | Neural Networks Demystified | Stephen Welch, Welch Labs | Suppl. Code | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
3. | Deep Learning at Oxford | Nando de Freitas, Oxford University | Oxford-ML | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
4. | Deep Learning for Perception | Dhruv Batra, Virginia Tech | ECE-6504 | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
5. | Deep Learning | Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo | STAT-946 | YouTube-Lectures | F2015 |
6. | CS231n: CNNs for Visual Recognition | Andrej Karpathy, Stanford University | CS231n | None |
2015 |
7. | CS224d: Deep Learning for NLP | Richard Socher, Stanford University | CS224d | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
8. | Bay Area Deep Learning | Many legends, Stanford | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
9. | CS231n: CNNs for Visual Recognition | Andrej Karpathy, Stanford University | CS231n |
YouTube-Lectures (Academic Torrent) |
2016 |
10. | Neural Networks | Hugo Larochelle, Université de Sherbrooke | Neural-Networks |
YouTube-Lectures (Academic Torrent) |
2016 |
11. | CS224d: Deep Learning for NLP | Richard Socher, Stanford University | CS224d |
YouTube-Lectures (Academic Torrent) |
2016 |
12. | CS224n: NLP with Deep Learning | Richard Socher, Stanford University | CS224n | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
13. | CS231n: CNNs for Visual Recognition | Justin Johnson, Stanford University | CS231n |
YouTube-Lectures (Academic Torrent) |
2017 |
14. | Topics in Deep Learning | Ruslan Salakhutdinov, CMU | 10707 | YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
15. | Deep Learning Crash Course | Leo Isikdogan, UT Austin | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
16. | Deep Learning and its Applications | François Pitié, Trinity College Dublin | EE4C16 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
17. | Deep Learning | Andrew Ng, Stanford University | CS230 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
18. | UvA Deep Learning | Efstratios Gavves, University of Amsterdam | UvA-DLC | Lecture-Videos | 2018 |
19. | Advanced Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning | Many legends, DeepMind | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
20. | Machine Learning | Peter Bloem, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | MLVU | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
21. | Deep Learning | Francois Fleuret, EPFL | EE-59 | Video-Lectures | 2018 |
22. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Alexander Amini, Harini Suresh and others, MIT | 6.S191 |
YouTube-Lectures 2017-version |
2017- 2019 |
23. | Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars | Lex Fridman, MIT | 6.S094 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017-2018 |
24. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Bhiksha Raj and many others, CMU | 11-485/785 | YouTube-Lectures | S2018 |
25. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Bhiksha Raj and many others, CMU | 11-485/785 | YouTube-Lectures Recitation-Inclusive | F2018 |
26. | Deep Learning Specialization | Andrew Ng, Stanford | DL.AI | YouTube-Lectures | 2017-2018 |
27. | Deep Learning | Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo | STAT-946 | YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
28. | Deep Learning | Mitesh Khapra, IIT-Madras | CS7015 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
29. | Deep Learning for AI | UPC Barcelona |
DLAI-2017 DLAI-2018 |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017-2018 |
30. | Deep Learning | Alex Bronstein and Avi Mendelson, Technion | CS236605 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
31. | MIT Deep Learning | Many Researchers, Lex Fridman, MIT | 6.S094, 6.S091, 6.S093 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
32. | Deep Learning Book companion videos | Ian Goodfellow and others | DL-book slides | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
33. | Theories of Deep Learning | Many Legends, Stanford | Stats-385 |
YouTube-Lectures (first 10 lectures) |
F2017 |
34. | Neural Networks | Grant Sanderson | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017-2018 |
35. | CS230: Deep Learning | Andrew Ng, Kian Katanforoosh, Stanford | CS230 | YouTube-Lectures | A2018 |
36. | Theory of Deep Learning | Lots of Legends, Canary Islands | DALI’18 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
37. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Alex Smola, UC Berkeley | Stat-157 | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
38. | Deep Unsupervised Learning | Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley | CS294-158 | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
39. | Machine Learning | Peter Bloem, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | MLVU | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
40. | Deep Learning on Computational Accelerators | Alex Bronstein and Avi Mendelson, Technion | CS236605 | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
41. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Bhiksha Raj and many others, CMU | 11-785 | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
42. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Bhiksha Raj and many others, CMU | 11-785 |
YouTube-Lectures Recitations |
F2019 |
43. | UvA Deep Learning | Efstratios Gavves, University of Amsterdam | UvA-DLC | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
44. | Deep Learning | Prabir Kumar Biswas, IIT Kgp | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
45. | Deep Learning and its Applications | Aditya Nigam, IIT Mandi | CS-671 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
46. | Neural Networks | Neil Rhodes, Harvey Mudd College | CS-152 | YouTube-Lectures | F2019 |
47. | Deep Learning | Thomas Hofmann, ETH Zürich | DAL-DL | Lecture-Videos | F2019 |
48. | Deep Learning | Milan Straka, Charles University | NPFL114 | Lecture-Videos | S2019 |
49. | Deep Learning Foundations and Applications | Debdoot Sheet and Sudeshna Sarkar, IIT-Kgp | AI61002 | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
50. | Designing, Visualizing, and Understanding Deep Neural Networks | John Canny, UC Berkeley | CS 182/282A | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
51. | Deep Learning | Yann LeCun and Alfredo Canziani, NYU | DS-GA 1008 | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
52. | Introduction to Deep Learning | Bhiksha Raj, CMU | 11-785 | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
53. | Deep Unsupervised Learning | Pieter Abbeel, UC Berkeley | CS294-158 | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
Machine Learning Fundamentals
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course Webpage | Video Lectures | Year |
1. | Linear Algebra | Gilbert Strang, MIT | 18.06 SC | YouTube-Lectures | 2011 |
2. | Probability Primer | Jeffrey Miller, Brown University | mathematical monk |
YouTube-Lectures | 2011 |
3. | Information Theory, Pattern Recognition, and Neural Networks | David Mackay, University of Cambridge | ITPRNN | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
4. | Linear Algebra Review | Zico Kolter, CMU | LinAlg | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
5. | Probability and Statistics | Michel van Biezen | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
6. | Linear Algebra: An in-depth Introduction | Pavel Grinfeld | None |
Part-1 Part-2 Part-3 Part-4 |
2015- 2017 |
7. | Multivariable Calculus | Grant Sanderson, Khan Academy | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
8. | Essence of Linear Algebra | Grant Sanderson | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
9. | Essence of Calculus | Grant Sanderson | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017-2018 |
10. | Math Background for Machine Learning | Geoff Gordon, CMU | 10-606, 10-607 | YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
11. | Mathematics for Machine Learning (Linear Algebra, Calculus) | David Dye, Samuel Cooper, and Freddie Page, IC-London | MML | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
12. | Multivariable Calculus | S.K. Gupta and Sanjeev Kumar, IIT-Roorkee | MVC | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
13. | Engineering Probability | Rich Radke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
14. | Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning | Gilbert Strang, MIT | 18.065 | YouTube-Lectures | S2018 |
Optimization for Machine Learning
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course Webpage | Video Lectures | Year |
1. | Convex Optimization | Stephen Boyd, Stanford University | ee364a | YouTube-Lectures | 2008 |
2. | Introduction to Optimization | Michael Zibulevsky, Technion | CS-236330 | YouTube-Lectures | 2009 |
3. | Optimization for Machine Learning | S V N Vishwanathan, Purdue University | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2011 |
4. | Optimization | Geoff Gordon & Ryan Tibshirani, CMU | 10-725 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
5. | Convex Optimization | Joydeep Dutta, IIT-Kanpur | cvx-nptel | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
6. | Foundations of Optimization | Joydeep Dutta, IIT-Kanpur | fop-nptel | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
7. | Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning | Ankur Moitra, MIT | 18.409-AAML | YouTube-Lectures | S2015 |
8. | Numerical Optimization | Shirish K. Shevade, IISC | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
9. | Convex Optimization | Ryan Tibshirani, CMU | 10-725 | YouTube-Lectures | S2015 |
10. | Convex Optimization | Ryan Tibshirani, CMU | 10-725 | YouTube-Lectures | F2015 |
11. | Advanced Algorithms | Ankur Moitra, MIT | 6.854-AA | YouTube-Lectures | S2016 |
12. | Introduction to Optimization | Michael Zibulevsky, Technion | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
13. | Convex Optimization | Javier Peña & Ryan Tibshirani | 10-725/36-725 | YouTube-Lectures | F2016 |
14. | Convex Optimization | Ryan Tibshirani, CMU | 10-725 |
YouTube-Lectures Lecture-Videos |
F2018 |
15. | Modern Algorithmic Optimization | Yurii Nesterov, UCLouvain | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
General Machine Learning
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course Webpage | Video Lectures | Year |
1. | CS229: Machine Learning | Andrew Ng, Stanford University |
CS229-old CS229-new |
YouTube-Lectures | 2007 |
2. | Machine Learning | Jeffrey Miller, Brown University | mathematical monk |
YouTube-Lectures | 2011 |
3. | Machine Learning | Tom Mitchell, CMU | 10-701 | Lecture-Videos | 2011 |
4. | Machine Learning and Data Mining | Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia | CPSC-340 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
5. | Learning from Data | Yaser Abu-Mostafa, CalTech | CS156 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
6. | Machine Learning | Rudolph Triebel, Technische Universität München | Machine Learning | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
7. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Alex Smola, CMU | 10-701 | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
8. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Alex Smola and Geoffrey Gordon, CMU | 10-701x | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
9. | Pattern Recognition | Sukhendu Das, IIT-M and C.A. Murthy, ISI-Calcutta | PR-NPTEL | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
10. | An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R | Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani, Stanford |
stat-learn R-bloggers |
YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
11. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Katie Malone, Sebastian Thrun, Udacity | ML-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
12. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Dhruv Batra, Virginia Tech | ECE-5984 | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
13. | Statistical Learning - Classification | Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo | STAT-441 | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
14. | Machine Learning Theory | Shai Ben-David, University of Waterloo | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
15. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Alex Smola, CMU | 10-701 | YouTube-Lectures | S2015 |
16. | Statistical Machine Learning | Larry Wasserman, CMU | None |
YouTube-Lectures | S2015 |
17. | ML: Supervised Learning | Michael Littman, Charles Isbell, Pushkar Kolhe, GaTech | ML-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
18. | ML: Unsupervised Learning | Michael Littman, Charles Isbell, Pushkar Kolhe, GaTech | ML-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
19. | Advanced Introduction to Machine Learning | Barnabas Poczos and Alex Smola | 10-715 | YouTube-Lectures | F2015 |
20. | Machine Learning | Pedro Domingos, UWashington | CSEP-546 | YouTube-Lectures | S2016 |
21. | Statistical Machine Learning | Larry Wasserman, CMU | None |
YouTube-Lectures | S2016 |
22. | Machine Learning with Large Datasets | William Cohen, CMU | 10-605 | YouTube-Lectures | F2016 |
23. | Math Background for Machine Learning | Geoffrey Gordon, CMU | 10-600 |
YouTube-Lectures | F2016 |
24. | Statistical Learning - Classification | Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
25. | Machine Learning | Andrew Ng, Stanford University | Coursera-ML | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
26. | Machine Learning | Roni Rosenfield, CMU | 10-601 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
27. | Statistical Machine Learning | Ryan Tibshirani, Larry Wasserman, CMU | 10-702 | YouTube-Lectures | S2017 |
28. | Machine Learning for Computer Vision | Fred Hamprecht, Heidelberg University | None |
YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
29. | Math Background for Machine Learning | Geoffrey Gordon, CMU | 10-606 / 10-607 | YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
30. | Data Visualization | Ali Ghodsi, University of Waterloo | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
31. | Machine Learning for Intelligent Systems | Kilian Weinberger, Cornell University | CS4780 | YouTube-Lectures | F2018 |
32. | Statistical Learning Theory and Applications | Tomaso Poggio, Lorenzo Rosasco, Sasha Rakhlin | 9.520/6.860 | YouTube-Lectures | F2018 |
33. | Machine Learning and Data Mining | Mike Gelbart, University of British Columbia | CPSC-340 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
34. | Foundations of Machine Learning | David Rosenberg, Bloomberg | FOML | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
35. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Andreas Krause, ETH Zürich | IntroML | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
36. | Machine Learning Fundamentals | Sanjoy Dasgupta, UC-San Diego | MLF-slides | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
37. | Machine Learning | Jordan Boyd-Graber, University of Maryland | CMSC-726 | YouTube-Lectures | 2015-2018 |
38. | Machine Intelligence | H.R.Tizhoosh, UWaterloo | SYDE-522 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
39. | Introduction to Machine Learning | Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo | CS480/680 | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
40. | Advanced Machine Learning | Thorsten Joachims, Cornell University | CS-6780 | Lecture-Videos | S2019 |
41. | Machine Learning for Structured Data | Matt Gormley, Carnegie Mellon University | 10-418/10-618 | YouTube-Lectures | F2019 |
42. | Advanced Machine Learning | Joachim Buhmann, ETH Zürich | ML2-AML | Lecture-Videos | F2019 |
43. | Machine Learning for Signal Processing | Vipul Arora, IIT-Kanpur | MLSP | Lecture-Videos | F2019 |
44. | Foundations of Machine Learning | Animashree Anandkumar, CalTech | CMS-165 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
45. | Foundations of Machine Learning and Statistical Inference | Animashree Anandkumar, CalTech | CMS-165 | YouTube-Lectures | 2020 |
Reinforcement Learning
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course Webpage | Video Lectures | Year |
1. | Short Course on Reinforcement Learning | Satinder Singh, UMichigan | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2011 |
2. | Approximate Dynamic Programming | Dimitri P. Bertsekas, MIT | Lecture-Slides | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
3. | Introduction to Reinforcement Learning | David Silver, DeepMind | UCL-RL | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
4. | Reinforcement Learning | Charles Isbell, Chris Pryby, GaTech; Michael Littman, Brown | RL-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
5. | Reinforcement Learning | Balaraman Ravindran, IIT Madras | RL-IITM | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
6. | Deep Reinforcement Learning | Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley | CS-294 | YouTube-Lectures | S2017 |
7. | Deep Reinforcement Learning | Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley | CS-294 | YouTube-Lectures | F2017 |
8. | Deep RL Bootcamp | Many legends, UC Berkeley | Deep-RL | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
9 | Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning | Lots of Legends, Canary Islands | DERL-17 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
10. | Deep Reinforcement Learning | Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley | CS-294-112 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
11. | Reinforcement Learning | Pascal Poupart, University of Waterloo | CS-885 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
12. | Deep Reinforcement Learning and Control | Katerina Fragkiadaki and Tom Mitchell, CMU | 10-703 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
13. | Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control | Dimitri Bertsekas, Arizona State University | RLOC | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
14. | Reinforcement Learning | Emma Brunskill, Stanford University | CS234 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
15. | Reinforcement Learning Day | Lots of Legends, Microsoft Research, New York | RLD-19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
16. | New Directions in Reinforcement Learning and Control | Lots of Legends, IAS, Princeton University | NDRLC-19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
17. | Deep Reinforcement Learning | Sergey Levine, UC Berkeley | CS285 | YouTube-Lectures | F2019 |
18. | Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning | Chelsea Finn, Stanford University | CS330 | YouTube-Lectures | F2019 |
Probabilistic Graphical Models
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Probabilistic Graphical Models | Many Legends, MPI-IS | MLSS-Tuebingen | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
2. | Probabilistic Modeling and Machine Learning | Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge | WUST-Wroclaw | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
3. | Probabilistic Graphical Models | Eric Xing, CMU | 10-708 | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
4. | Learning with Structured Data: An Introduction to Probabilistic Graphical Models | Christoph Lampert, IST Austria | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
5. | Probabilistic Graphical Models | Nicholas Zabaras, University of Notre Dame | PGM | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
6. | Probabilistic Graphical Models | Eric Xing, CMU | 10-708 |
Lecture-Videos YouTube-Lectures |
S2019 |
7. | Probabilistic Graphical Models | Eric Xing, CMU | 10-708 | YouTube-Lectures | S2020 |
Bayesian Deep Learning
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Bayesian Neural Networks, Variational Inference | Lots of Legends | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2014-now |
2. | Variational Inference | Chieh Wu, Northeastern University | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
3. | Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods | Lots of Legends, HSE Moscow | DLBM-SS | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
4. | Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods | Lots of Legends, HSE Moscow | DLBM-SS | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
Medical Imaging
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Medical Imaging Summer School | Lots of Legends, Sicily | MISS-14 | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
2. | Biomedical Image Analysis Summer School | Lots of Legends, Paris | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
3. | Medical Imaging Summer School | Lots of Legends, Sicily | MISS-16 | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
4. | OPtical and UltraSound imaging - OPUS | Lots of Legends, Université de Lyon, France | OPUS’16 | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
5. | Medical Imaging Summer School | Lots of Legends, Sicily | MISS-18 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
6. | Deep Learning and Medical Applications | Lots of Legends, IPAM, UCLA | DLM-20 | Lecture-Videos | 2020 |
Graph Neural Networks (Geometric DL)
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Deep learning on graphs and manifolds | Michael Bronstein, Technion | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
2. | Geometric Deep Learning on Graphs and Manifolds | Michael Bronstein, Technische Universität München | None |
Lec-part1, Lec-part2 |
2017 |
3. | Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing - Graduate School | Lots of Legends, SIGGRAPH, London | SGP-2017 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
4. | Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing - Graduate School | Lots of Legends, SIGGRAPH, Paris | SGP-2018 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
5. | Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond -Geometry and Learning from Data Tutorials | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | GLDT | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
6. | Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond - Geometric Processing | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | GeoPro | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
7. | Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond - Shape Analysis | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | Shape-Analysis | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
8. | Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond - Geometry of Big Data | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | Geo-BData | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
9. | Geometry and Learning from Data in 3D and Beyond - Deep Geometric Learning of Big Data and Applications | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | DGL-BData | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
Natural Language Processing
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Computational Linguistics I | Jordan Boyd-Graber, University of Maryland | CMS-723 | YouTube-Lectures | 2013-2018 |
2. | Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing | Nils Reimers, TU Darmstadt | DL4NLP | YouTube-Lectures | 2015-2017 |
3. | Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing | Many Legends, DeepMind-Oxford | DL-NLP | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
4. | Deep Learning for Speech & Language | UPC Barcelona | DL-SL | Lecture-Videos | 2017 |
5. | Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing | Graham Neubig, CMU | NN4NLP Code | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
6. | Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing | Graham Neubig, CMU | NN4-NLP | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
7. | Deep Learning for NLP | Min-Yen Kan, NUS | CS-6101 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
8. | Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing | Graham Neubig, CMU | NN4NLP | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
9. | Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning | Abigail See, Chris Manning, Richard Socher, Stanford University | CS224n | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
10. | Natural Language Understanding | Bill MacCartney and Christopher Potts | CS224U | YouTube-Lectures | S2019 |
Automatic Speech Recognition
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Deep Learning for Speech & Language | UPC Barcelona | DL-SL |
Lecture-Videos YouTube-Videos |
2017 |
2. | Speech and Audio in the Northeast | Many Legends, Google NYC | SANE-15 | YouTube-Videos | 2015 |
3. | Automatic Speech Recognition | Samudra Vijaya K, TIFR | None |
YouTube-Videos | 2016 |
4. | Speech and Audio in the Northeast | Many Legends, Google NYC | SANE-17 | YouTube-Videos | 2017 |
5. | Speech and Audio in the Northeast | Many Legends, Google Cambridge | SANE-18 | YouTube-Videos | 2018 |
-1. | Deep Learning for Speech Recognition | Many Legends, AoE | None |
YouTube-Videos | 2015-2018 |
Modern Computer Vision
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Microsoft Computer Vision Summer School - (classical) | Lots of Legends, Lomonosov Moscow State University | None |
YouTube-Videos Russian-mirror |
2011 |
2. | Computer Vision - (classical) | Mubarak Shah, UCF | CAP-5415 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
3. | Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing - (classical) | William Hoff, Colorado School of Mines | CSCI 510/EENG 510 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
4. | Computer Vision - (classical) | William Hoff, Colorado School of Mines | CSCI 512/EENG 512 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
5. | Image and Video Processing: From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital | Guillermo Sapiro, Duke University | None |
YouTube-Videos | 2013 |
6. | Multiple View Geometry (classical) | Daniel Cremers, Technische Universität München | mvg | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
7. | Mathematical Methods for Robotics, Vision, and Graphics | Justin Solomon, Stanford University | CS-205A | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
8. | Computer Vision - (classical) | Mubarak Shah, UCF | CAP-5415 | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
9. | Computer Vision for Visual Effects (classical) | Rich Radke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | ECSE-6969 | YouTube-Lectures | S2014 |
10. | Autonomous Navigation for Flying Robots | Juergen Sturm, Technische Universität München | Autonavx | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
11. | SLAM - Mobile Robotics | Cyrill Stachniss, Universitaet Freiburg | RobotMapping | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
12. | Computational Photography | Irfan Essa, David Joyner, Arpan Chakraborty | CP-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
13. | Introduction to Digital Image Processing | Rich Radke, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | ECSE-4540 | YouTube-Lectures | S2015 |
14. | Lectures on Digital Photography | Marc Levoy, Stanford/Google Research | LoDP | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
15. | Introduction to Computer Vision (foundation) | Aaron Bobick, Irfan Essa, Arpan Chakraborty | CV-Udacity | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
16. | Computer Vision | Syed Afaq Ali Shah, University of Western Australia | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
17. | Deep Learning for Computer Vision | UPC Barcelona |
DLCV-16 DLCV-17 DLCV-18 |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016-2018 |
18. | Convolutional Neural Networks | Andrew Ng, Stanford University | DeepLearning.AI | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
19. | Variational Methods for Computer Vision | Daniel Cremers, Technische Universität München | VMCV | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
20. | Winter School on Computer Vision | Lots of Legends, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies | WS-CV | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
21. | Deep Learning for Visual Computing | Debdoot Sheet, IIT-Kgp | Nptel Notebooks | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
22. | The Ancient Secrets of Computer Vision | Joseph Redmon, Ali Farhadi | TASCV ; TASCV-UW | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
23. | Modern Robotics | Kevin Lynch, Northwestern Robotics | modern-robot | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
24. | Digial Image Processing | Alex Bronstein, Technion | CS236860 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
25. | Mathematics of Imaging - Variational Methods and Optimization in Imaging | Lots of Legends, Institut Henri Poincaré | Workshop-1 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
26. | Deep Learning for Video | Xavier Giró, UPC Barcelona | deepvideo | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
27. | Statistical modeling for shapes and imaging | Lots of Legends, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris | workshop-2 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
28. | Imaging and machine learning | Lots of Legends, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris | workshop-3 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
29. | Computer Vision | Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, IIT Kgp | CV-nptel | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
30. | Deep Learning for Computer Vision | Justin Johnson, UMichigan | EECS 498-007 | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
Boot Camps or Summer Schools
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Deep Learning, Feature Learning | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | GSS-2012 | YouTube-Lectures | 2012 |
2. | Big Data Boot Camp | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute | Big Data | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
3. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, MPI-IS Tübingen | MLSS-13 | YouTube-Lectures | 2013 |
4 | Graduate Summer School: Computer Vision | Lots of Legends, IPAM-UCLA | GSS-CV | Video-Lectures | 2013 |
5. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Reykjavik University | MLSS-14 | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
6. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Pittsburgh | MLSS-14 | YouTube-Lectures | 2014 |
7. | Deep Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Université de Montréal | DLSS-15 | YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
8. | Biomedical Image Analysis Summer School | Lots of Legends, CentraleSupelec, Paris | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2015 |
9. | Mathematics of Signal Processing | Lots of Legends, Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics | SigProc | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
10. | Microsoft Research - Machine Learning Course | S V N Vishwanathan and Prateek Jain MS-Research | None |
YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
11. | Deep Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Université de Montréal | DL-SS-16 | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
12. | Lisbon Machine Learning School | Lots of Legends, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal | LxMLS-16 | YouTube-Lectures | 2016 |
13. | Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar | Lots of Legends, Fields Institute, University of Toronto | MLAAS-16 |
YouTube-Lectures Video-Lectures |
2016-2017 |
14. | Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar | Lots of Legends, Fields Institute, University of Toronto | MLAAS-17 | Video Lectures | 2017-2018 |
15. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, MPI-IS Tübingen | MLSS-17 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
16. | Representation Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute | RepLearn | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
17. | Foundations of Machine Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute | ML-BootCamp | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
18. | Optimization, Statistics, and Uncertainty | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute | Optim-Stats | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
19. | Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications | Lots of Legends, TU-Berlin | DL: TAA | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
20. | Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Université de Montréal | DLRL-2017 | Lecture-videos | 2017 |
21. | Statistical Physics Methods in Machine Learning | Lots of Legends, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR | SPMML | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
22. | Lisbon Machine Learning School | Lots of Legends, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal | LxMLS-17 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
23. | Interactive Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute, Berkeley | IL-2017 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
24. | Computational Challenges in Machine Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute, Berkeley | CCML-17 | YouTube-Lectures | 2017 |
25. | Foundations of Data Science | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute | DS-BootCamp | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
26. | Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods | Lots of Legends, HSE Moscow | DLBM-SS | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
27. | New Deep Learning Techniques | Lots of Legends, IPAM UCLA | IPAM-Workshop | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
28. | Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, University of Toronto | DLRL-2018 | Lecture-videos | 2018 |
29. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain | MLSS-18 |
YouTube-Lectures Course-videos |
2018 |
30. | Theoretical Basis of Machine Learning | Lots of Legends, International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, TIFR | TBML-18 |
Lecture-Videos YouTube-Videos |
2018 |
31. | Polish View on Machine Learning | Lots of Legends, Warsaw | PLinML-18 | YouTube-Videos | 2018 |
32. | Big Data Analysis in Astronomy | Lots of Legends, Tenerife | BDAA-18 | YouTube-Lectures | 2018 |
33. | Machine Learning Advances and Applications Seminar | Lots of Legends, Fields Institute, University of Toronto | MLASS | Video Lectures | 2018-2019 |
34. | MIFODS- ML, Stats, ToC seminar | Lots of Legends, MIT | MIFODS-seminar | Lecture-videos | 2018-2019 |
35. | Learning Machines Seminar Series | Lots of Legends, Cornell Tech | LMSS | YouTube-Lectures | 2018-now |
36. | Machine Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, South Africa | MLSS’19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
37. | Deep Learning Boot Camp | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute, Berkeley | DLBC-19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
38. | Frontiers of Deep Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute, Berkeley | FoDL-19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
39. | Mathematics of data: Structured representations for sensing, approximation and learning | Lots of Legends, The Alan Turing Institute, London | MoD-19 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
40. | Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods | Lots of Legends, HSE Moscow | DLBM-SS | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
41. | The Mathematics of Deep Learning and Data Science | Lots of Legends, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge | MoDL-DS | Lecture-Videos | 2019 |
42. | Geometry of Deep Learning | Lots of Legends, MSR Redmond | GoDL | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
43. | Deep Learning for Science School | Many folks, LBNL, Berkeley | DLfSS | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
44. | Emerging Challenges in Deep Learning | Lots of Legends, Simons Institute, Berkeley | ECDL | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
45. | Full Stack Deep Learning | Pieter Abbeel and many others, UC Berkeley | FSDL-M19 |
YouTube-Lectures-Day-1 Day-2 |
2019 |
46. | Algorithmic and Theoretical aspects of Machine Learning | Lots of legends, IIIT-Bengaluru |
ACM-ML nptel |
YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
47. | Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning Summer School | Lots of Legends, AMII, Edmonton, Canada | DLRL-2019 | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
48. | Mathematics of Machine Learning - Summer Graduate School | Lots of Legends, University of Washington | MoML-SGS, MoML-SS | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
49. | Workshop on Theory of Deep Learning: Where next? | Lots of Legends, IAS, Princeton University | WTDL | YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
50. | Learning under complex structure | Lots of Legends, MIT | LUCS | YouTube-Lectures | 2020 |
Bird’s Eye view of A(G)I
S.No | Course Name | University/Instructor(s) | Course WebPage | Lecture Videos | Year |
1. | Artificial General Intelligence | Lots of Legends, MIT | 6.S099-AGI | Lecture-Videos | 2018-2019 |
2. | AI Podcast | Lots of Legends, MIT | AI-Pod | YouTube-Lectures | 2018-2019 |
3. | NYU - AI Seminars | Lots of Legends, NYU | modern-AI | YouTube-Lectures | 2017-now |
4. | Deep Learning: Alchemy or Science? | Lots of Legends, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton |
DLAS Agenda |
YouTube-Lectures | 2019 |
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