Daily DSA - 30 Days Practice

  • Day of start: September 13 2023
  • Day of end: October 12 2023

As we are well aware, consistency is a crucial factor in achieving success.
While my daily work primarily revolves around programming, it has been quite some time since I refreshed my understanding of computer fundamentals. Therefore, I have decided to revisit the concepts of data structures and algorithms. As I delve into these concepts, I am diligently taking notes for future reference, both for myself and my fellow engineers.

Day Topic
Day 1 Arrays - Part 1
Day 2 Arrays - Part 2
Day 3 Strings
Day 4 Fundamental built-in data structures
Day 5 Built-in structures - Practice
Day 6 Sorting algorithms - Introduction
Day 7 Sorting algorithms - Heap sort
Day 8 Sorting algorithms - Quick sort
Day 9 Sorting algorithms - Practice
Day 10 Linked lists - Part 1
Day 11 Linked lists - Part 2
Day 12 Linked lists - Practice
Day 13 Stacks
Day 14 Stacks-Practice
Day 15 Revise & Research
Day 16 Queues
Day 17 Queues - Practice
Day 18 Linear search
Day 19 Binary search
Day 20 Binary search - Practice
Day 21 Recursion - Part 1
Day 22 Recursion - Part 2
Day 23 Recursion - Practice
Day 24 Dynamic programming - Brief
Day 25 Dynamic programming - Practice
Day 26 System design principles
Day 27 Project maintenance
Day 28 Design flow diagrams
Day 29 Summary
Day 30 Wrap up