Deep learning for vision systems

  • Book rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
  • E-book or Bookshelf: Bookshelf is preferred (I have soft copy)
  • Year, Author, Pages: 📆 2020 | ✍ Mohamed Elgendy | 📄 480 Pages

This is one of the books I read page to page till the end of the book 💫

The author has explained each topic beginning with an introduction to Image processing 📷 and to various CNN architectures and GANs. The complex topics are explained well with visualization and with consise explanations.

Each chapter is methodically organized, laying a strong basis before tackling more complex topics. The author has explained various topics but there are a few topics where breadth of coverage would have been a great addition.

Reading this book sparks interest ✨ in computer vision and deep learning, To understand more in-depth & mathematical foundation it is advised to study research papers relevant to the topic

The AI field is fast evolving technology ⏳ with the rapid development of the latest algorithms, and would always suggest reading research papers 📄 to keep up to date. This book definitely gives a good understanding of the fundamentals of CV & DL 📏📐