SPRINT - Solve big problems and test new ideas

  • Book rating: ★ ★ ★ ★
  • E-book or Bookshelf: Bookshelf is preferred
  • Year, Author, Pages: 📆 2016 | ✍ Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz| 📄 231 Pages

Authors have done a great job devising the sprint process and explaining with client stories what works well or not, and why. Of course, they borrowed many things from methods and UX Design, picking widely into design toolboxes to finally achieve a real accurate and relevant process for building smart solutions to the problem.

It is all about solving the (big) problem, but the Design Sprint can be extended to the physical product, IoT, service design, store/space design, etc.

By the way, leading a design sprint into an established organization will be more difficult when you have to block five full days on the calendar with 5 to 7 persons within the company. Fortunately, the schedule is arranged to have real breaks between short blocks of intensive but more productive work.